

Carbohydrates include:




Simple Carbohydrates:

Glucose, Fructose, galactose

Complex Carbohydrates:

Sugar molecules linked together = starch + fiber.

Eat less refined carbohydrates!

Eat more whole grains – bread, brown rice, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Glycemic index of food is determined based on how fast and high the sugar in your blood goes up! Food high in glycemic index like fruit juices and doughnuts can cause a surge in the blood sugar level and a rush of insulin followed by a rapid drop. Lower glycemic index foods are vegetables and nuts that have less dramatic effect on the blood sugar, insulin, and energy levels, and therefore are much healthier!

The Glycemic Index is not a great tool for making day-to-day food choices because the calculations are not based on normal portion sizes.

Fiber diet help to relieve constipation.

Fiber may decrease the risk of colon cancer by decreasing the contact between

the mucosal cells (the intestinal / abdominal wall) and carcinogenic factors.

The recommended amount of fiber for 1 day is ~ 25 gram for a 2000 calorie diet.

The usual recommended amount is 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men.

Can you consume too much fiber?

You will probably feel some bloating if you take too much fiber – above the recommended amount.

Fiber increases the volume in the gastrointestinal system – Intestine.

Soluble fibers:

Fiber that forms viscous solutions in water and can be broken down by the intestinal flora.

Insoluble fiber:

Fiber that does not dissolve in water and cannot be broken by bacteria in the large intestine.


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