Gait issues


Gait abnormality in MS is a common symptom.

Gait includes the way you walk = your posture!

Gait includes the speed you walk = Quick Pace!

Gait includes your ability to walk for short or long distances!

Gait includes your ability to do heel & toe walk!

Gait includes your walk with a device for example a cane, a walker or other devices;

Abnormal gait evaluation & treatment:

  • Evaluation by clinicians – the MS team
  • Assessment by physiatrist (rehabilitation doctor) and the rehabilitation team members – physical therapists & occupational therapists.
  • Evaluation by an orthotist for a brace like an ankle-foot orthosis (=AFO)
  • Physical therapy program including balance & gait training
  • Exercise program with a trainer or independently regularly at least 3 times weekly
  • Medication that may help walking is – Ampyra 10 mg twice daily in people without history of seizures or kidney disease.



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